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News From Yahoo!


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Offline SonicKnuckles

News From Yahoo!
« on: December 29, 2008, 10:51:48 pm »
Well since this is (for me at least) disturbing I thought I'd post it here. This little article from Yahoo! featured struck a nerve with me. Mainly since two of my favorite games of all time are on there. Check out this article to read it for yourself I hope that Yahoo! is just being gay about this, but what does this mean to you, and for the future of Sonic games and Franchises.

SK for short
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 10:57:33 pm »
Yahoo! hasn't put anything in there that hasn't been made obvious already.

Offline Luxray

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 12:50:58 am »
NFS used to be cool D:.

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 03:17:36 am »
concur'd with the article... but again, it's obvious...

DDR was cool when it had a chance to replace gym class, but it's not going anywhere big...

Sonic should just be left to the "professionals"... that is, Sonic Team Jr. and Ex-Team-Megamix
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Offline Crowbar

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 07:29:29 am »
Sonic should just be left to the "professionals"... that is, Sonic Team Jr. and Ex-Team-Megamix

More like Nintendo.

Also don't get yer damn knickers in a twist. Just because some media outlet said your mascot sucks now (protip: he does, deal with it, most of us do) doesn't mean you need to throw a hissy fit.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 09:19:48 am »
Megamix sucked as a game, Nintendo stopped making video games and fail to produce anything other than casual bullshit, and who's Sonic Team Jr.?
Sonic needs to be put to rest indeed. Or be handed to Artoon.

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 07:10:49 pm »
Besides the fact that this article is bollocks anyway, and what Crowbar said, they lose all credibility they would have had thanks to this line:

"Other than the recent role-playing game Sonic Chronicles, there hasn't been a truly fun Sonic game in about a decade."


If you're going to say Chronicles is the only fun Sonic in a decade, you deserve to be shot. Whether you think Chronicles is good or not, there are other Sonic games out there. BETTER Sonic games. Hell, SA2 was released in 2001!
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Offline magnum12

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 08:18:46 pm »
Chronicles was good but not great. Too easy and way too short. While the 3d side has been in decline, the article ignores the 2d stuff, which in general has been consistently good. Having just got Unleashed last week, I can say that it's WAY better than that POS Sonic 06 with its excessive glitches, shoddy controls, load time sandwiches and out right refusal to patch the bloody thing (really, a good patch is all that game needed to be good.

I don't see why so many people like SA2. Based on a "Sum of its parts" perspective, its a stinker. Of the four types of game play, the speed sections are fun, the shooting stages are clunkier versions of Gamma stages, the hunting stages are utter garbage (worse than SA), and the driving is bad. All of this with an even worse camera. Take the average of each game play's quality and you have a bad game.
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 09:34:22 pm »
I honestly think it comes down to this:
Look at the three big consoles: Wii, 360, PS3.
Name all of the games on any of these consoles:
rated 9/10 or higher from three or more major sources
within the last six months
rated E or E10+
Short list, isn't it?  <_<
Is there a reason for this?

who's Sonic Team Jr.?
Group behind Sonic Robo Blast 2.  They made a Sonic game from the original Doom code; result is a 3D Sonic with physics VERY similar to the Genesis games.  Unfortunately, said Doom engine isn't suited for levels that long - entire game itself can be completed within 6 1/2 minutes (it actually unlocks something).  Though this guy Mystic (seemingly unrelated to SM but certainly sadistic enough) created the "Mystic Realm" level pack for it, which contains 8 dual-act zones, each with a separate full-act special stage (and dang hard, at that) and finishes with a Super Sonic boss battle.  I spent awhile in the community, and actually put a lot of work into adding something as simple as sloped floors to the levels.  Oh, and did I mention it has network play?  Multiplayer is battle arenas, chucking rings at each other.
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Offline Crowbar

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2009, 12:33:23 pm »
Chronicles was good but not great.

No it wasn't.

It was one of the biggest slaps in the face I've ever had in the 17-odd years this franchise has been going.
Yes, even bigger than 06.

It was bad enough that that was a completely unfinished, unprofessional mess, given that it was made by a company we all knew had been on a steep decline for more than 5 years anyway.

But Chronicles was made by BioWare, a supposedly AAA company, which has produced many very celebrated games, and who said repeatedly that they were big fans of the series, and that they really, really wanted to do it justice.
And it was JUST as half-arsed.

The graphics were sloppy.
The art was inconsistent.
The sound effects were nonsensical.
The plot was utter garbage.
Every gameplay mechanic was derived directly from something else (EBA + M&L) and/or poorly implemented.
They used STOLEN FUCKING MIDIS for music.

Whoever it was that allowed such an absolute atrocity of a game to be released by a well-respected company should never be allowed to work in the industry again.

[edit] Er, sorry, went off on one a bit there. That really wasn't meant as a personal attack against you, magnum.

Offline magnum12

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2009, 04:37:48 pm »
I still think the best way to make a Sonic RPG would be to use a Tales of Vesperia (a must play for anyone with a 360) style battle system. That would be epic. *drools* I still have the ideas in my head and in fact am currently converting them to paper with a few extra stuff.
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Offline Selphos

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2009, 04:39:14 pm »
What's the difference between Vesperia's combat and other console Tales games like Abyss or Symphonia?

Also heh looks like this topic is hijacked
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Offline Aitamen

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2009, 08:29:27 am »
Megamix sucked as a game, Nintendo stopped making video games and fail to produce anything other than casual bullshit, and who's Sonic Team Jr.?
Sonic needs to be put to rest indeed. Or be handed to Artoon.

How did Megamix suck as a game, PPA?  Because it wasn't released on a platform you enjoy?

If that's the case, how do you think I feel about the newer sonic games being released on systems that aren't built of competitive gaming (Wii) and that have shit support (PS3)?

I personally hate XBOX360 for a number of reasons, but at the moment it's the most solid gaming equipment out there... and that, in and of itself, is depressing. 

SRB2 & STJr have been covered...

I await your rebuttal, PPA, as to how Megamix is inferior to the more recent games.
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Crowbar

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2009, 08:34:55 am »
Megamix sucked as a game, Nintendo stopped making video games and fail to produce anything other than casual bullshit, and who's Sonic Team Jr.?
Sonic needs to be put to rest indeed. Or be handed to Artoon.

How did Megamix suck as a game, PPA?  Because it wasn't released on a platform you enjoy?

The final release was ported to the Sega CD, which is home to PPA's favouritest Sonic game ever, just so you know.

Offline Phantom the Hedgehog

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2009, 08:38:29 pm »
>:( Yahoo! is an IDIOT 1.Sonics Franchise pwnz 2.CB also pwnz 3.NFS is an awesome racing game

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Offline P.P.A.

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2009, 08:21:11 am »
Megamix sucked as a game, Nintendo stopped making video games and fail to produce anything other than casual bullshit, and who's Sonic Team Jr.?
Sonic needs to be put to rest indeed. Or be handed to Artoon.

How did Megamix suck as a game, PPA?  Because it wasn't released on a platform you enjoy?

I await your rebuttal, PPA, as to how Megamix is inferior to the more recent games.
Shitty level design (even though the newer ones were better) is an important factor, but most of all its the lack of charisma, soul, or consistency. While playing it you feel it wasn't made to be a great game but rather the most shiny show off of hacking gimmicks possible. It's patched together from a lot of elements that don't go with each other in harmony, the stages aren't charming or original, the music seems randomly taken and choosing different songs for the different Acts of a Zone destroy any feeling of consistency and entity... What I'm saying is that while it's a fucking amazing showcase of hacking skills, all those gimmicks and shit drown the already scarce soul and emotion actually put into it. A lot of things like the messed up peelout for Sonic and his broken air dash or the stupidly high amount of characters add to this feeling. Of course, a lot of them can be turned off. But this is even more proof that Team Megamix apparently cared less about what would be good, useful, and making a good game but more about HEY LET'S STUFF ANOTHER AMAZING USELESS HACKING ACHIEVEMENT IN HERE. Even though I do honour them for having put that much work and skill into it technically.

tl;dr too much shiny useless features, too few soul, atmosphere and love.

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Offline Luxray

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2009, 08:34:48 am »
Misty Maze Zone actually had some good song choices. Same with Metallic Base.
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2009, 09:37:35 am »
Misty Maze zone had impossible water.  <_<
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Offline Crowbar

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2009, 03:23:59 pm »
Misty Maze zone had impossible water.  <_<

I actually kind of liked this about it, lol.

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2009, 11:49:50 am »
Chronicles was good but not great.

No it wasn't.

It was one of the biggest slaps in the face I've ever had in the 17-odd years this franchise has been going.
Yes, even bigger than 06.

It was bad enough that that was a completely unfinished, unprofessional mess, given that it was made by a company we all knew had been on a steep decline for more than 5 years anyway.

But Chronicles was made by BioWare, a supposedly AAA company, which has produced many very celebrated games, and who said repeatedly that they were big fans of the series, and that they really, really wanted to do it justice.
And it was JUST as half-arsed.

The graphics were sloppy.
The art was inconsistent.
The sound effects were nonsensical.
The plot was utter garbage.
Every gameplay mechanic was derived directly from something else (EBA + M&L) and/or poorly implemented.
They used STOLEN FUCKING MIDIS for music.

Whoever it was that allowed such an absolute atrocity of a game to be released by a well-respected company should never be allowed to work in the industry again.

[edit] Er, sorry, went off on one a bit there. That really wasn't meant as a personal attack against you, magnum.
I actually liked Chronicles for a change. It served as a good story. The POW moves were good, plot was good, Music wasn't too bad, but it doesn't get an overall score of anything higher than an 8/10. I actually am giving the game a 7.5/10.

But I certainly would mind sequel to this. but until it actually gets a good start, but until it does I do mind. Probably they won't make another one.
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Offline Crowbar

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2009, 04:26:27 pm »
I actually liked Chronicles for a change. It served as a good story. The POW moves were good, plot was good, Music wasn't too bad, but it doesn't get an overall score of anything higher than an 8/10. I actually am giving the game a 7.5/10.

Please provide a more elaborate explanation of any of those statements than simply "good" or "not bad".

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2009, 05:03:44 pm »
chronicles had shade

'nuff said

also is there a list of these stolen midi's anywhere

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2009, 10:21:03 am »
chronicles had shade

'nuff said
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Offline Aitamen

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2009, 06:40:34 am »
@PPA for S1MM

I would like to note that the music was ONLY for testing... they're getting their own soundtrack...  and the synergy of it, again, is because it's incomplete...

overlook things they intend to change (like people whining that you had to jump instead of roll off a slope in v2 for sonic's homing attack/air dash...  they fix'd it (and fully intended to anyway) so anyone noting that as a downfall deserved to be brick'd
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2009, 06:34:16 pm »
Didn't notice this till now. But Sonic, NFS, and Crash Bandicoot are awesome! Yahoo! can go to hell for saying underrated stories about these three! DDR and Stepmania are really good too (At least they didn't burn Stepmania)! I don't know about that 4th one.

Next I suppose, Yahoo will burn Pokemon, Yugioh, Mario, Guitar Hero and Rock Band!
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2009, 07:03:53 pm »
I think you guys need to realize is that this means nothing, opinions are opinions, and dead topic is dead. AITA WHY MUST YOU NECRO
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Offline Luxray

Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2009, 01:42:00 am »
I think you guys need to realize is that this means nothing, opinions are opinions, and dead topic is dead. AITA WHY MUST YOU NECRO

I say bumping an old thread without a relevant and meaningful point should be bannable.
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2009, 10:41:30 pm »
Chronicles was good but not great.

No it wasn't.

It was one of the biggest slaps in the face I've ever had in the 17-odd years this franchise has been going.
Yes, even bigger than 06.

It was bad enough that that was a completely unfinished, unprofessional mess, given that it was made by a company we all knew had been on a steep decline for more than 5 years anyway.

But Chronicles was made by BioWare, a supposedly AAA company, which has produced many very celebrated games, and who said repeatedly that they were big fans of the series, and that they really, really wanted to do it justice.
And it was JUST as half-arsed.

The graphics were sloppy.
The art was inconsistent.
The sound effects were nonsensical.
The plot was utter garbage.
Every gameplay mechanic was derived directly from something else (EBA + M&L) and/or poorly implemented.
They used STOLEN FUCKING MIDIS for music.

Whoever it was that allowed such an absolute atrocity of a game to be released by a well-respected company should never be allowed to work in the industry again.

[edit] Er, sorry, went off on one a bit there. That really wasn't meant as a personal attack against you, magnum.
I actually liked Chronicles for a change. It served as a good story. The POW moves were good, plot was good, Music wasn't too bad, but it doesn't get an overall score of anything higher than an 8/10. I actually am giving the game a 7.5/10.

But I certainly would mind sequel to this. but until it actually gets a good start, but until it does I do mind. Probably they won't make another one.

Chronicles? Good Story? It had freaking alien things. Whatever happened to straightforward Eggy is the main bad dude plots? We had n00bs running around screaming "Chao" when everyone else was saying, no, it's a gay powerup system.

In my book, Unleashed deserves a 9. Nintendo Power underrates everything not Nintendo.

So Yahoo is full of BS, Chronicles is horrid, and Unleashed was a pretty good game, and look at how many people play SA2? I prefer Unleashed, but still.

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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2009, 02:27:48 am »
God dammit, let sleeping dogs lie.

Or would "necromancy is a sin" just work better >_>
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Re: News From Yahoo!
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2009, 12:21:02 pm »
God dammit, let sleeping dogs lie.

Or would "necromancy is a sin" just work better >_>
It isn't sin if you have something good to say and a good reason. There's a history of necromancy on this site but half of them were good reasons to do so.
Eis Makai is the Icy Coyote. Sumaru Star is the Ice Dragon. I own the Ice Planet!


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